Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I used the eraser tool for the inside of the circle to give it more personality.
I used a lot of transparency so that the colors wouldn't be as bold and take away from the whole picture.
I decided to put a dripping effect on the rectangle because I wanted to give it a little bit more characteristics.
I decided to create my own type of shape because i wanted to put in something that might have allowed it to stand out.
I used these colors because I really like them.

Postcard #1

The general story behind my lobster is that he is traveling to three different places that are known for their great food so that he can eat other crustations.

I started by finding a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I wanted my lobster to be in Paris because its a very great place to try new food and they serve great dishes. After I found the picture I wanted, I used tracing paper to get the general idea of the landscape. Then I scanned it and started to apply colors, texture, and text to it. I wanted to give the final postcard a nice relaxed feeling to it. So I used a lot of calming colors.