Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Carnival Poster

I should have chosen a different font and color for the title. And the same for the bottom text.  But overall I REALLY LIKE IT.  I just wish that I could have done a better to both her hair and mending the water onto her skin to make it look a bit more realistic.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Carnival Poster Rough Draft

Here she is going to be in the center of the poster where she will be floating underwater.  There will be black borders on the sides and underneath her.  There will be a real water based background to give it more of a realistic feel. I may also use an actual fish's fin on the end point of her tail.

#2 Postcard

Here my lobster was in italy at a cafe.  I got some tracing paper and copied everything except for the woman.  I added the tower of Pisa.  I then gave the whole picture a wide range of colors but i think that I may have overdone it.  I also added mulitple filters to the lobster and other objects.  There was supposed to be shrip fetticine on the plate but it never arrived!

Lobster Final

It took me a while to get all of the individual spots on the lobster with the pencil tool.  I also used the graphite tool to add a lot of the different levels of color.  I used the radial tool for the lobster's eye.

Final Landscape Project

For the finished landscape I used a curve tool for the background to change it ffrom gray to blue. I used a linear light and changed the opacity in the man's head in order to create a translucent effect.  On the girl I used a filter and changed her coloring to give her a sepia feeling. On the flying clocks I varied their size and some of their opacity levels.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Carnival Poster Roughs

My animal is inspired by two of my favorite artists Gerald Brom and  Boris Vallejo.  My animal is going to be a swimming gazelle who can go deep below the water and swim like a fish. The background is going to be of an underwater effect with bubbles and she is going to be swimming. I might use curtains on the sides or just a simple black border.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Landscape Project

The first picture is the general layout of my image. The blank cirlcle in tha top-center is going to be the face of the man in my story. The big lines on the side and the smaller lines below it represent the trees and gates in Central Park. The figure in the lower middle will be a woman that will either be looking down or up; she will most likely be completely black because I want to give her a shadow effect.

Now the two spiraling lines down the middle wil be where the flying clocks will go. I'm using them to represnt time passing/ flying by. The ones cirlcled are the top choices I will use, especially because of their different angles that will circle around the woman.

Landscape Project Story

The snow came early this morning. I held so much dishonesty and hurt inside of me for so long, yet she was the only one to ever show me real passion and commitment. Why this? Why with her?
I sat on a bench alongside Central Park. People were running and little kids were playing in the snow. I looked at my cell phone. Still no call or text. I looked to my left and just saw an ol’ lady feedin’ some pigeons. I looked right and saw a man walking a few dogs. My heart felt like it was dropping into my stomach; I didn’t even feel like myself. I looked to my left again and saw her walking, but her walk wasn’t the same. She seemed so uneasy and confused, like she just witnessed a murder. I got up and started to walk towards her. Time couldn’t have gone any slower. What was 15 seconds felt like an hour. When I finally came up to her, there was nothing but the sound of dogs barking and children laughing.
“You okay?”
‘Yes’ she nodded.
“I know you’re lying. Please, just tell me.” But she looked away and balled up her fists. I looked at her hands and I immediately knew that this was my entire fault. Everything about her was gone, and I was the villain…

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I used the eraser tool for the inside of the circle to give it more personality.
I used a lot of transparency so that the colors wouldn't be as bold and take away from the whole picture.
I decided to put a dripping effect on the rectangle because I wanted to give it a little bit more characteristics.
I decided to create my own type of shape because i wanted to put in something that might have allowed it to stand out.
I used these colors because I really like them.

Postcard #1

The general story behind my lobster is that he is traveling to three different places that are known for their great food so that he can eat other crustations.

I started by finding a picture of the Eiffel Tower. I wanted my lobster to be in Paris because its a very great place to try new food and they serve great dishes. After I found the picture I wanted, I used tracing paper to get the general idea of the landscape. Then I scanned it and started to apply colors, texture, and text to it. I wanted to give the final postcard a nice relaxed feeling to it. So I used a lot of calming colors.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Postcard ideas

Japanese restaurant

French cafe

atlantic city

My lobster will be traveling to three different restaurants. It will be ordering a dish that has a type of crustation. In the japanese restaurant it will eat sushi. In the french cafe it will eat shrips or crabcakes. And in the restaurant in Atlantic city it will eat crab and tuna.

Thursday, September 9, 2010



   a yellow and blue lobster