The first picture is the general layout of my image. The blank cirlcle in tha top-center is going to be the face of the man in my story. The big lines on the side and the smaller lines below it represent the trees and gates in Central Park. The figure in the lower middle will be a woman that will either be looking down or up; she will most likely be completely black because I want to give her a shadow effect.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Landscape Project Story
The snow came early this morning. I held so much dishonesty and hurt inside of me for so long, yet she was the only one to ever show me real passion and commitment. Why this? Why with her?
I sat on a bench alongside Central Park . People were running and little kids were playing in the snow. I looked at my cell phone. Still no call or text. I looked to my left and just saw an ol’ lady feedin’ some pigeons. I looked right and saw a man walking a few dogs. My heart felt like it was dropping into my stomach; I didn’t even feel like myself. I looked to my left again and saw her walking, but her walk wasn’t the same. She seemed so uneasy and confused, like she just witnessed a murder. I got up and started to walk towards her. Time couldn’t have gone any slower. What was 15 seconds felt like an hour. When I finally came up to her, there was nothing but the sound of dogs barking and children laughing.
“You okay?”
‘Yes’ she nodded.
“I know you’re lying. Please, just tell me.” But she looked away and balled up her fists. I looked at her hands and I immediately knew that this was my entire fault. Everything about her was gone, and I was the villain…
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