Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Carnival Poster

I should have chosen a different font and color for the title. And the same for the bottom text.  But overall I REALLY LIKE IT.  I just wish that I could have done a better to both her hair and mending the water onto her skin to make it look a bit more realistic.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Carnival Poster Rough Draft

Here she is going to be in the center of the poster where she will be floating underwater.  There will be black borders on the sides and underneath her.  There will be a real water based background to give it more of a realistic feel. I may also use an actual fish's fin on the end point of her tail.

#2 Postcard

Here my lobster was in italy at a cafe.  I got some tracing paper and copied everything except for the woman.  I added the tower of Pisa.  I then gave the whole picture a wide range of colors but i think that I may have overdone it.  I also added mulitple filters to the lobster and other objects.  There was supposed to be shrip fetticine on the plate but it never arrived!

Lobster Final

It took me a while to get all of the individual spots on the lobster with the pencil tool.  I also used the graphite tool to add a lot of the different levels of color.  I used the radial tool for the lobster's eye.

Final Landscape Project

For the finished landscape I used a curve tool for the background to change it ffrom gray to blue. I used a linear light and changed the opacity in the man's head in order to create a translucent effect.  On the girl I used a filter and changed her coloring to give her a sepia feeling. On the flying clocks I varied their size and some of their opacity levels.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Carnival Poster Roughs

My animal is inspired by two of my favorite artists Gerald Brom and  Boris Vallejo.  My animal is going to be a swimming gazelle who can go deep below the water and swim like a fish. The background is going to be of an underwater effect with bubbles and she is going to be swimming. I might use curtains on the sides or just a simple black border.